It Feels Good to be Remembered
Trophies and ribbons, pins and pendants, plaques and gold watches … giving or getting awards and remembrances makes us feel good. Over two generations of manufacturing top end pins, pendants, money clips, tie tacks, and other jewelry, we have reached a very important conclusion that might help you and your customer multiply the benefits of every award presentation: The Details Matter
The presenter makes all the difference in how the award impacts the honoree
We have seen the situation played out thousands of times. If the presenter doesn't think that much about the award, the honoree, or the occasion, the honoree and those attending the event will "get it" that the award is perfunctory, the same ole same ole, no big deal, let's get done and get to dinner.
On the other hand, if the presenter builds up the event, gives authentic and enthusiastic praise to the honoree, and presents the award with a flourish, even a $1 pin will seem special to everyone involved. To increase the excitement even more, the presenter can give a history of the award, explaining the significance, or naming off past recipients. The more pomp, the more rewarding the experience, and the more appreciation there will be from the honored member.
The packaging gives another indication of value
Product manufactures spend untold thousands or even millions of dollars getting the package right. They understand that regardless of the quality of the product theyare packaging, the consumer is going to get their primary impressions from the package. The same thing is true when presenting award jewelry.
Assuming that the company, team, association, or group giving the award anticipatessome benefit from the gesture, wisdom suggests that the goal would be to maximize that benefit. Several groups are watching and will be impacted:
- Past honorees
- Future honorees
- Friends and family of the honoree
- Leadership of the group
- Presenter and honored person
If the award is not packaged or is packaged cheaply, the entire effort is cheapened. The potential good will, motivation, or good feelings intended to be generated by thegiving of the token of appreciation is diminished markedly. If you are giving a $1 item, you may want to spend more on the package than the gift. But if you are spending $20 or $50 or $100 on a very meaningful commemoration, don't skip on the box, the wrapping paper, or the card.
The quality of the award will produce many long term benefits
Groups don't give awards 100% altruistic. There may be a host of other goals or expectations that are part of the event such as: the motivation of the honoree and those who may hope to be so honored in the future; creation of esprit de corps; the establishment of traditions; a reminder of core values; and/or a clear statement of the groups priorities.
While the event and the presentation will have an impact for a moment or for a shorttime after the event, the visibility of the award itself can have impact for months or even years into the future. Clearly, pins and other award jewelry that is finely craftedis more likely to be worn proudly by the beneficiary.
Debco Manufacturing continues a six decades old tradition of using the highest quality materials, painstakingly hand crafting each piece, and then finishing the jewelry to a perfect luster that will produce in those who have earned the award great pride in wearing the accolade.