Why Buy American Made for Fine Jewelry Awards
Not everyone can tell the difference between a custom US Made and imported pin, and, not everyone can tell a real diamond from a synthetic stone. When you are handing out awards to employees, associates, volunteers, and those who have completed a goal, your purpose in making the award can be completely defeated if those who can tell the difference don't appreciate the poor quality of an imported piece.
Our craftsman carefully stamp, trim, burnish, finish, and polish each of our jewelry items by hand, just as you would expect in the creation of any fine piece of jewelry.
For those who know, they won't need a magnifying glass or special tool to see the depth of finish, the excellence of the trim, or the detail of the logo. Our pins, tie tacks,medallions, money clips, and charms are three dimensional, and may have two, three, or even four levels. Each of these levels may be treated differently, using polishing, plating and hard enameling to create beautiful effects. Where imported products may cover large parts of the object in plastic "enameling" to cover flaws, our artisans selectively employ enamel to subtly enhance the overall look.
There are times when imported products make sense. If you need an inexpensive pinfor a large event or promotion, where the recipients may only expect the imported product. But when the situation and/or position demands quality, then you will needto select fine jewelry awards from an American Jeweler like the Excellence Line.